Developing compelling cases for support


One of the nation’s leading academic medical centers was in the preliminary stages of planning for a $1 billion+ comprehensive campaign that would include transformative capital projects, translational research, community programs, faculty recruitment and expanded patient care services. Their bold ambitions needed to be translated into concise and compelling language to introduce the campaign priorities to their closest supporters and transformational giving prospects as they tested the campaign’s feasibility.


We assembled a team of healthcare philanthropy experts and writers to partner closely with organizational leaders throughout the project.

We started by doing a thorough review of existing internal strategy materials and planning documents for each of six priorities: community health, behavioral health, cancer program, precision cancer treatment, new patient care tower and overall campus transformation.

Then we met individually and in small groups with 40 clinical, research and administrative leaders and strategists to interview them about the priority area, the

Out of our information gathering, we crafted six compelling cases for support that would help gift officers and health system executives in their crucial early outreach and engagement with prospects.

$1 billion+

planned philanthropic campaign


stakeholder interviews


cases for support

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