Building A Strategic Brand Identity from the Ground Floor


A non-profit start-up specialized in partnering with providers to help them deliver needs-based preventive care. Relatively new to the market, the organization lacked a brand identity, which hindered leaders’ ability to grow business. They didn’t yet have a sophisticated way to talk about the organization and pitch its value to prospective clients.


We led interviews and creative workshops with leaders to guide the buildout of their organization’s brand identity from the ground floor. Using these insights, we developed a foundational color scheme and message platform for all proprietary communications and resources. 

Critically, we developed value proposition language for leaders to use in talking about their organization. 

Our creative team created high-level one-pagers to introduce the organization and its unique value/story. They also crafted evergreen document templates with the new branding.

After working with leaders to align on their visions for the organization’s website, we did a complete site rebuild with the updated branding to better tell its story for all stakeholders. 

We planned and facilitated a public brand launch, informing all external stakeholders of the new site and leading a successful media campaign to generate industry awareness and interest.  


Through the comprehensive rebranding and marketing strategy, the non-profit start-up experienced significant transformations in its brand identity, visibility, and operational approach and now enjoys a much stronger online presence following the successful brand launch.


new locations launched after rebrand


site traffic increase


increase in site engagement

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