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Public & Community Health Systems Practice

Essential Assets

As trusted custodians of care, public and community health systems are critical to the areas they serve — physically, emotionally and economically. They often play a central role in the affairs of their communities, operating at the intersection of local politics, challenges and priorities, while ensuring the future quality and access of care for their patients.

Light blue mountain icon attached to a green hill icon
Emergency room and hospital icon
Two floating cloud icons
Orange circle

The locality and close-knit relations between these providers and their communities adds a layer of complexity and personal dynamics to every leadership decision. We’ve helped public and community health system leaders navigate change, challenge and opportunity, while preserving and enhancing vital relationships.

We do this by:

  • Building new channels of communication between providers and their patient populations
  • Convening and helping health systems address local issues and health crises, while continuing clinical services
  • Bringing industry-leading innovation and technology to local health providers

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